Deputy Inspection Services

Accurate Home and Building Inspection

When constructing a home or building, it is very important to have a reliable building inspection service at your disposal. Deputy Inspection Services provides a reliable and accurate home and building inspection service for jobs as simple as an epoxy dowel/ bolt installation to full scale inspection of a multi-level construction.

Anytime a structure is being built, its construction is governed by a multitude of codes that must be strictly adhered to in order to ensure that the structure is safe to occupy, during and after construction. To guarantee the safety of a structure, the code thoroughly covers such issues as structural safety, fire safety, adequate plumbing and air circulation. Depending on the jurisdiction, codes can also include requirements for noise mitigation, accessibility for disabled persons, and energy usage/ conservation. Specifically, these codes dictate allowable specifications for construction components, allowable methods of installing components, rules for maximum and minimum room and exit size and location. With all the different specific areas of constructing a building that codes cover, it is easy to see that an accurate home and building inspection service is very important to ensure compliance with them.

It is also very important to make the distinction between your average provider and an accurate provider. Deputy is not your average provider. Deputy Inspection Services  is a provider that prides itself on being responsive to specific customer’s needs and delivering the highest quality and most accurate home and building service possible. Deputy Inspection Services  excels at providing clients with on-time special construction/ deputy inspection and material testing services for compliance with any local building codes.

Accuracy also entails that a provider be recognized within its industry as an authority on this type of inspection. In the state of California alone, Deputy Inspection Services  has been approved by such nationally recognized agencies as the I.C.C. (the agency formerly known as I.C.B.O.), A.C.I., ANSI/ AWS, and PTI. Deputy Inspection Services  is proud of its distinction and recognition and encourages prospective clients to seek out references from these agencies.

Deputy Inspection Services, as the name suggests, specializes in deputy inspections. This means that they have proven that they are capable of providing the highest quality knowledge, ability, and skill necessary to carry out a wide array of specific construction operations.

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